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Queensbridge Primary School has been awarded an Artsmark Platinum Award!


Queensbridge has a rich and varied Arts offer. Both as a standalone subject and as an integral aspect of our cross curricular offering, Art is central to children’s time at Queensbridge.

Our art offer has been recognised as outstanding and we have been awarded Artsmark platinum, along with only 7 other schools in the country. 

Our school has strong links with external arts organisations and children have the opportunity to engage with a range of experiences through these. Some of the bodies we work with include The October Gallery, Central St Martins School of Art, The Museum of the Home and the Hackney Museum. 

Children follow a curriculum that combines building skills progressively, with an appreciation for the Arts. Children learning about both important historical and contemporary artists from a wide range of backgrounds and cultures. 

We are lucky enough to have our own kiln and printing press so children have the opportunity to explore a wide range of mediums, drawing on a variety of skills, making sculptures and magnificent projects.

Whole-school art projects help not only enhance their skills further but help them to learn to work collaboratively with others. 

Early Years

From Nursery, our children are taught to express themselves creatively through exploring various materials and to communicate their ideas artistically. From the beginning of their artistic practice the children are exposed to the work of great artists to contextualise their work.


As the children move into Key Stage 1 they begin to explore drawing, painting and sculpture through a range of materials. They move into more sophisticated materials such as clay and can begin to reason why different materials are more suitable. Working with visiting practitioners gives them real life insight into artistic technique. Their sketching development is recorded through sketchbooks that pass up through the school with them tracking progress. They continue to take inspiration from the Greats and can communicate ideas about their work through critical thinking and discussion. 



Continuing into Key Stage 2 the children focus on developing their artistic skills, expanding into lino printing and working with clay in various forms. Our developing clay and painting curriculums ensure the children are progressing in their technique. As the children leave key stage 2 they will have a sense of mastery with various materials, a strong knowledge of the Greats and be able to critically analyse their own and others work. As they reach the end of KS2 children are encouraged to take increasing ownership of their own creative process and create work as unique as they are

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Tel: 020 7254 1186



Queensbridge Road, London, E8 4ET

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