Celebrating Behaviour
Kindness, achievement and considerate behaviour are celebrated by the whole school in assembly on Fridays
Celebrating Behaviour and Achievement
Kindness, achievement and considerate behaviour are celebrated by the whole school in assembly on Fridays. We have a merit system of certificates in place as well as charts up on walls in classes from reception with prizes
Our ‘Stay on Green’ policy ensures that children are rewarded fairly with merits particularly those whose consistently good behaviour means that they are always doing the right thing
Every Friday children who show outstanding behaviour during lunch and break times are invited to join Ms Bailey on the Golden Table. Golden tickets are given out during the week and the lucky winners are picked out of a hat during star assembly for KS1 and KS2. The children get a real VIP treatment with golden capes, crowns and goblets!
A reward lunch for merits takes place at end of year with the Head Teacher
Every week class teachers nominate at least two class members, that have impressed them either through their work or commitment to the school values
Every half term we focus on a school value (linking to SMSC) and certificates are given out every Friday during assembly
The early bird and attendance awards are given out in weekly assemblies to the class with the best attendance
Star awards are given out by class teachers in Friday assemblies
Any member of staff can award a merit/star for good work/good behaviour etc.
Attendance certificates, stair monitor, lining up and lunchtime certificates are presented to pupils in Friday assemblies.
Monitors are commended and chosen on half termly basis by class teachers
We have Year 6 Prefects all year who formally apply for the role and are interviewed by the Senior Management Team
Queensbridge Primary School promotes an atmosphere of positive praise. We strive to develop a shared understanding that when someone does something good they get praise. We try to not focus on the negative – every day is a new day
Rewards can be …
Qualified praise from adults
Letter or phone call home about achievements
Stickers for good work and behaviour
Individual certificates
Class certificates – lining up/ punctuality/ attendance/ lunch time awards/ assembly sitting
Merits – all classes from reception have visible merit charts – certificates given from 10,25, 50, 75,100,125,150+ with associated prizes
recognition of achievements in Friday assemblies SPECIAL STAR AWARDS to any child from any member of staff (class teachers monitor who has had one – try to give ALL children one for something…
visit to other classes or the Senior Management Team to show good work
class targets leading to a negotiated treat – Marbles in the jar, Golden Time
Methods of praise currently in use in our school… Praise should be directed at the activity, which is praiseworthy rather than straight to the child. Children need to know specifically what it is they have done which is bringing them praise.
verbal written comment
stars/ stickers
given special responsibility
work presented to senior staff/ shown to others
extra time for favourite activities
community tasks around school
in class award
good notes home or phone calls to parents/carers
names fortnightly on newsletter
merits – this system places emphasis on children’s positive behaviour and good work. All adults working in school may determine the award of a merit for significantly good behaviour, significant effort and significant good work or achievement. Once awarded a merit mark cannot be lost
Click on the image below to see how our positive approaches to behaviour management at Queensbridge Primary School or download the file here.