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Geography at Queensbridge Primary School

The aim of geography teaching at Queensbridge Primary School is to inspire children to gain a deeper understanding of the world and its people. Geography helps children to understand the cultures of people from across the world and see how people and places are connected. We encourage children to take responsibility for their place in society and to respect and look after the environment. 

In EYFS (Nursery and Reception), children are taught about geography within the ‘Understanding the World’ area of learning. In Nursery, children will develop positive attitudes about the differences between people and know that there are different countries in the world and talk about the differences they have experienced or seen in photos. In Reception, children will build on this learning by talking about members of their immediate family and community. In addition, they will understand that some places are special to members of their community; draw information from a simple map; recognise some similarities and differences between life in this country and life in other countries and recognise some environments that are different from the one in which they live. This strand supports children to make sense of the world around them and also help them to develop a wide and enriched vocabulary.

In Key Stage 1 and 2, geography involves developing children’s locational knowledge, place knowledge, understanding of human and physical geography, geographical skills and fieldwork. Children will study the local area and contrasting places in the United Kingdom, European and Non-European countries. Across Key Stage 1 and 2, children will build upon their knowledge of their locality through looking at maps and undertaking fieldwork. 

The geography curriculum aims to ensure that all children:

  • Develop a curiosity and understanding of their locality and the wider world.

  • Develop an interest in, understanding of, and respect for other people and cultures.

  • Develop their locational knowledge, geographical and fieldwork skills through the use of trips, atlases, maps, globes and digital mapping.

  • Develop their understanding of human and physical processes.

  • Develop an awareness of our changing world and how we can contribute positively to society.

  • Make connections to other subjects studied.

  • Learn through engaging and practical lessons.

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Queensbridge Road, London, E8 4ET

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