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School library

At Queensbridge, because reading is central to the children’s lives, our library has recently been redeveloped and relocated to the centre of the school, to ensure that all our children are able to enjoy and access a wide range of books in addition to their classroom book corner.


Keen to make it a real life experience it has a scanning system and children have a wide range of books to choose from. We encourage the children to visit the library on a regular basis. 


Children simply love to visit  their library and  we as a school  are excited for them to experience  the pleasure and reward of reading. 


Pupils voice


“Adds imagination, to a new world to explore”                                      

“Pretend to be in a place and see what is happening”                                                                 “Sometimes I’m grumpy, calms me down”                                                                                 “When you feel annoyed it calms you down, relaxes the brain down”     

“Better than a movie, no pictures. In movies too much is going on to concentrate”.      

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Queensbridge Road, London, E8 4ET

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