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We believe that Mathematics should be an enjoyable subject, taught with the individual’s needs in mind

At Queensbridge Primary School, we aim to ensure we teach our children how they can use and apply their mathematical knowledge, skills and understanding. This, we believe, will equip our children with the skills which provide tools for life as well as for later study and work. 


We believe that Mathematics should be an enjoyable subject, taught with the individual’s needs in mind. Teachers are aware of the importance of children acquiring secure mental methods of calculation and an efficient written method of calculation for each of the four operations (subtraction, addition, multiplication and division).


We aim to begin introducing all operations and concepts with concrete objects such as cubes, dienes and numicon.  We then move onto visual drawings and representations such as the bar model before moving onto the abstract number sentence/formal calculation.


We follow the White Rose scheme of learning which teaches a mastery curriculum using the concrete, visual and abstract approach we believe in as a school.



White Rose have some fabulous parent’s resources that consolidate the work your child does in school. You can download the resources here:


We work through the curriculum at a pace that works for our children and their needs. To do this we use a model, apply, challenge format within our maths lessons. We model how to complete a calculation or procedure; we give time for children to apply these skills to mathematical problems and finally we provide the children with challenges to allow them to deepen their knowledge and ‘think outside the box’ when tackling real-life context problems. 


Addition Methods

Year 1 and 2

Year 3 and 4

Year 5 and 6

Subtraction Methods

Year 1 and 2

Year 3 and 4

Year 5 and 6

Multiplication Methods

Year 1 and 2

Year 3 and 4

Year 5 and 6

Division Methods

Year 1 and 2

Year 3 and 4

Year 5 and 6


Ofsted January 2024

The curriculum ensures that pupils deepen their understanding over time. In mathematics, children in the early years use physical resources which help them see the different ways of combining numbers to make five. Older pupils build on this secure understanding of number with a focus on learning addition facts off by heart through regular practice. Teachers routinely check that pupils securely understand each step of their learning. Teaching is adapted to address any misunderstandings before moving on. As a result, the oldest pupils in the school can confidently tackle more complex mathematical problems which involve several steps. The way in which children learn in early years is also very carefully considered. Children’s understanding is developed and revisited in real-life contexts. For example, children enjoy learning about number by exploring what that they see around them, such as numbers on clock faces or on buses. Staff skilfully reinforce children’s learning further through well-selected rhymes, singing and counting well.

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Tel: 020 7254 1186



Queensbridge Road, London, E8 4ET

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