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Measuring Progress

The progress of all pupils here at Queensbridge is continually monitored by their class teachers. 

How will we measure the progress of your child in school?


 We have high aspirations for our SEND community at Queensbridge and continually assess each child’s progress. Your child’s teacher has the primary responsibility for continually assessing progress. Dependent on your child’s SEND needs the school will also use additional input and recommendations of Speech and Language Therapists, Educational Psychologists and Specialist Teachers to support your child and the class teacher’s approach. These interventions and child-centred strategies are overseen by Jadedene French the school’s SENDCO. Such further support may include differentiating the class learning, creating interventions to support the child accessing the National Curriculum or through reviewing and supporting the targets set out in the child’s Education, Health and Care Plan.  



  • Children on the SEND register will have an individual education plan (IEP) which will be reviewed with your involvement every term and a plan made for the next term

  • The progress of children with a EHCP is formally reviewed at an Annual Review with yourself and all professionals involved with your child’s education

  • Through an effective provision map, the SENDCO will also check that your child is making good progress and will evaluate the effectiveness of any individual or group strategies they take part in.



Parents are welcome to make an appointment with the class teacher and the SENDCO at a convenient time for them – please phone the office on: 0207254 1186

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Tel: 020 7254 1186



Queensbridge Road, London, E8 4ET

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