Queensbridge offers a rich and inclusive music curriculum
Queensbridge School Offer for Music
Queensbridge offers a rich and inclusive music curriculum. We aim to spark a love of learning music, with all that it offers in the way of wellbeing, self-expression, teamwork and truly memorable experiences. We hope that our children will leave primary school with a thorough grounding in music which will allow them to pursue further learning in music or to enjoy it as a lifelong hobby.
Specialist music teachers provide weekly music lessons and singing assemblies for each class. Links with topics and seasonal events ensure that children listen to and perform music across a broad range of genres, historical periods and cultural backgrounds, making connections and building cultural capital. Children are taught in line with the National Curriculum aims for music, focusing on four key musical concepts: performing, composing, notation and listening. The curriculum is enriched through regular workshops, trips and visits with London’s musical organisations such as the London Symphony Orchestra and the Grand Union Orchestra.
Every single child at Queensbridge is given multiple opportunities to participate in high-quality music making and to build on their skills and experience as they progress through the school. Children with SEND are given extra sessions or support as necessary to develop as musicians. As well as the class music offer, Queensbridge has many extracurricular opportunities. Visiting tutors give lessons in violin, cello, guitar, percussion, woodwind and brass. All children from Y3 to Y6 are invited to join the school orchestra and choirs. The school supports children from low-income backgrounds who would like to learn an instrument outside of class.
Our four rules for Music at Queensbridge give us a good grounding for music making, and align with the school values of respect, collaboration, perseverance and possibilities. The rules are:
Listen to each other
Play together
Improve the Sound
Get involved
You can find out more about our school music by visiting