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Online Safety

Teaching children to keep themselves safe online is an important part of our job as a school. 

At Queensbridge we aim to embed online safety into all aspects of our computing curriculum along with teaching explicit e-safety lessons and through Safer Internet day activities.

We are constantly evolving our approach and adapting to the needs of the children we teach. 


Each year group have their own statements to cover from the Education for a Connected World framework alongside their computing curriculum. Education for a Connected World is a tool for anyone who works with children and young people. It enables the development of teaching and learning as well as guidance to support children and young people to live knowledgeably, responsibly and safely in a digital world. 


It focuses specifically on eight different aspects of online education: 


1. Self-image and Identity 

2. Online relationships 

3. Online reputation 

4. Online bullying 

5. Managing online information

6. Health, wellbeing and lifestyle 

7. Privacy and security 

8. Copyright and ownership




Online safety curriculum expectations


We also teach children termly e-safety lessons within computing and have an online safety unit within our PHSE curriculum. These lessons use stories, scenarios and games to help encourage children to reflect on their own safety and to develop the skills they will need in the modern world. In Key Stage 2, children learn to Be Internet Legends with lessons and an online world encouraging them to Be Sharp, Be Alert, Be Secure, Be Kind and Be Brave.



All our children also sign age appropriate Acceptable Use Policies to ensure that they are practicing safe behaviours during computing lessons and with equipment at school


Acceptable Use Policie


To support at home with online safety, you can follow along with our ‘Weekly Online Safety Updates’ on the app or website where we share useful sites, tips and guidance on current developments in e-safety.

Some useful sites are included below.


Broadband parental controls and internet safety for children

Online Safety Support – Parents – AACOSS

National Online Safety Membership

Parents and Carers - UK Safer Internet Centre

Supporting-Young-People-Online.pdf (

Thinkuknow - home

Parent zone - the experts in digital family life 


Ultimately, the most helpful thing you can do is talk to your children about their online behaviours and remind them that they can’t trust everything they read and that their digital footprint might follow them for their whole life. Please do not hesitate to get in touch with us if there are any concerns about their online safety and if you do feel you need further support then you can visit the Child Exploitation and Online Protection command site.




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Contact Us

Tel: 020 7254 1186



Queensbridge Road, London, E8 4ET

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