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Parent governor recruitment extended

Updated: Jul 14, 2023

We would like to recruit a new parent governor for Sept 2023.

Closing date 21st July

About Queensbridge Primary School

We are an Ofsted rated outstanding, oversubscribed, popular, diverse, and highly inclusive school in Hackney.

Our main aim is for our children to be happy in our school and learn effectively with mutual respect, kindness and responsibility. All voices are heard at Queensbridge. We are all valued - children, staff and families. We encourage a healthy attitude towards life and learning. Learning is for a lifetime. We are innovative, aspirational and consistent in our holistic approach, constantly reflecting on our practice. We try to make learning fun, creative, stimulating and inclusive with lots of discussion and challenge, setting ambitious goals for the future.

The governor vacancy

We are looking for an individual who will have a combination of relevant skills, to strengthen the collective skills of the current governors.

As a school we provide a high level of support for many of our children and families. We have high numbers of children facing social and economic challenges and the safeguarding and social and emotional support structure within school is one of our priorities.

We therefore would like someone preferably with a knowledge of special needs or of a safeguarding background. We have a successful Children's Centre (Mapledene) and an Autism Resource Provision.

We strongly encourage applications from a diverse range of applicants, particularly those from under-represented groups, and those who have achieved success through non-traditional educational or social care routes.

There is no requirement for you to have an understanding of the education system, just the necessary skills, character and time to contribute.

There is plenty of training available to help you learn about the responsibilities of the role.

The Role of the School Governor

Governors provide their time to help the school on a voluntary basis and come from a range of different backgrounds. There are a variety of different roles within the governing board but ultimately it involves working with the head teacher and senior leadership team to make sure that the pupils at the school receive the best possible education.

Governors set the aims and objectives for the school and set the policies and targets for achieving those aims and objectives. They monitor and evaluate the progress the school is making and act as a source of challenge and support to the headteacher.

Being a school governor is a challenging but hugely rewarding role. It will give you the chance to make a real difference to young people, give something back to your local community and use and develop your skills in a board-level environment.

Governors are a mixture of elected and appointed individuals. The constitution of the Governing Board at Queensbridge Primary School is two parent governors, who are elected by parents at the school; six co-opted governors who are appointed by the Governing Board and one local authority governor. The Headteacher and one other member of staff are also represented.

Each Governor's aim is to work towards our school vision to enable all the children at Queensbridge to get the best possible education, to be happy and safe and enjoy their time at school. Governors support the Headteacher and the dedicated team of staff, but also will challenge rigorously where necessary to ensure that we deliver our objectives.

As a governor you will be able to:

• Use your own experience life beyond school to inform conversations

• Make a valuable contribution to social challenges faced by our school community

• Support and challenge the school so that it improves for pupils and staff

What will be expected of you in practice?

Commitment to a 4 year term Develop a consultative / supportive relationship with the key members of the teaching staff such as the SENDCO and Safeguarding leads. Attend all 'full Governor' meetings. The Governing Board is required to meet 3 times a year. Participate in link governor activities focussed on your areas of interest Participate in Governor CPD. The time commitment is typically half a day per month To find out more email

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