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Spiritual, Moral, Social and Cultural Education

Mutual respect is at the heart of our values. Children learn that their behaviours have an effect on their own rights and those of others.

Our provision of SMSC can be seen in all aspects of school life and it is promoted and

taught in a variety of ways:


Assemblies – Each week children are provided with an opportunity to collectively

reflect and understand school and British values


School council – Pupil voice is important at Queensbridge. Each week councillors

have an opportunity to raise whole school issues with the class. This allows for the

expression of opinions, debate and develops listening skills. The children also learn about and have experience of democracy.


Restorative Justice – As a restorative school, Queensbridge recognises the importance of building and maintaining positive relationships so that effective learning can take place. Staff and Peer mediators are trained in resolving conflicts respectfully and with focus on finding a resolution.


Black History education – Children learn about the importance of civil and human rights. They also engage with issues such as racism and equality. Children also explore and celebrate different cultures from around the world.


Anti-bullying week and Disability History month are explored and celebrated each year as well as other events such as International Women’s Day and Martin Luther King Day


     Statement of Equality


  • Everyone has rights and responsibilities

  • Everyone has equal value

  • Everyone in school is valued and treated fairly

  • We respect each others’ cultures, languages, ethnicity, appearance, age, family, intellectual ability and aptitude, talents and religious beliefs

  • We tackle discrimination through the positive promotion of equality by challenging bullying and stereotypes and we aim to develop a culture of inclusion




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Tel: 020 7254 1186



Queensbridge Road, London, E8 4ET

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